Thursday, June 29, 2006

And There was much Rejoicing . . .


I got my grade back for spring term and I passed my killer class. This means I will be graduating for sure, and that I will be able to finish.

In other news, jobs seem to be opening up left and right. I haven't been offered any yet, but I've been applying like crazy. One that I applied for today is with my same company writing statistical reports on the genealogical data that we put out. I figured iout today that if I were to get this job I would actually be able to start working before graduation, just because of the way my classes are structured right now.

I'm going to continue on with my break, but I just wanted to keep you posted on what is goin on here.

I am still alive.
My Heavenly Father still loves me.
My Family Loves me too.
I will be graduating.
Life is looking up.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Taking a Break

Hey things are still pretty crazy here is graduation land. I'm just posting to let you know that I'm going to be taking a break for a little while, just until I feel like things are a little more in control. And I can post about things other than the stress of graduation.

I'll still check your blogs out, but for now, I really need some time to work on the things that really matter, like papers etc.

You are all great, Be happy!!