Thursday, June 29, 2006

And There was much Rejoicing . . .


I got my grade back for spring term and I passed my killer class. This means I will be graduating for sure, and that I will be able to finish.

In other news, jobs seem to be opening up left and right. I haven't been offered any yet, but I've been applying like crazy. One that I applied for today is with my same company writing statistical reports on the genealogical data that we put out. I figured iout today that if I were to get this job I would actually be able to start working before graduation, just because of the way my classes are structured right now.

I'm going to continue on with my break, but I just wanted to keep you posted on what is goin on here.

I am still alive.
My Heavenly Father still loves me.
My Family Loves me too.
I will be graduating.
Life is looking up.


Kathryn Thompson said...

YAY! Congrats Meg. You rule.

Grammy said...

Go YOU! We are happy to hear that things are looking up and ESPECIALLY that you know that your family still loves you. True fact!

Good luck on getting a job that you love!

Anonymous said...

AWESOME! I think we should have a graduation party for you and Adam. He is working on his final paper as I write and will have August has his official graduation date. Maybe we could have a lil' party when we come to Utah!

Love you!

Gabriela said...

Yay for you Chama! Graduating is always good.

Anonymous said...

Yay, Si, Love you!