Sunday, March 18, 2007

But how?

I recently found out that my 4 year old neice has little hope in my getting married. This is a conversation we had on my recent birthday.
Laylee: Nantie Meg, when you have a baby, that baby will be my cousin!
Me: Well, yeah, but it might be a while before I have a baby because I need to get married before that happens. But when I do get married my husband will be your new uncle.
Laylee: But how are you going to find a husband?
Me: Well, I'm going to talk to boys and go on dates.
Laylee: But what if there aren't any boys who aren't already married to girls?!?!?
Me: There are plenty of boys who aren't already married.
Laylee: But how many?
Me: At least a (I was interrupted at this point)
Laylee: Like 4? or 5? or 7?
Me: I was thinking more like a hundred.
Laylee: Wow! but how are you going to meet one and get married?

Excellent question, Laylee. Excellent question.


Margaret said...

That is SO funny! I have had conversations about my marriage with my niece and nephew, too. Don't they just leave you feeling TERRIFIC?! ;)

Heather said...

So glad Laylee could help you out there! :)