Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Freedom and Sushi

Well, that's it. Here's the final countdown:
Pages typed: 34
Tests taken: 1 (3 full hours of writing frantically and still not being able to say everything I wanted to)
Hours it took to get rid of massive writers cramp: about 3
Showers taken: enough to not feel like a complete slug, right now I am feeling squeaky clean.
Boxes packed for the move on Friday: 1
Celebrations with bargain sushi: 1

That's about it!

I'm finally done. It seems like this semester has gone soe quickly. It hasn't sunk in yet, but I'm sure it will.

About the bargain sushi: Demai is a restaurant in town that offers $3 sushi rolls on tuesday nights. I know what you're thinking, bargain sushi, why not just swallow rotten eggs and get the food poisening over with quickly. Actually the food is really great, and I've had friends eat there every Tuesday for about a year and they have never been sick from it. I've been planning to join Elle Scorcho aka Roomie #5 for Sushi night for quite a while, but something else always seems to come up. So tonight as a celebration for finishing, Elle, Nantie Buckley, Nuncle Candy, his brother Agis, our friend Mo, and I got sushi. I am a huge fan. It will probably become a regular tradition for us all to get together for sushi on Tuesdays from now on. Agis will only be here for another week or so, but he will be here next week, and that is the most fun.

Agis is one of my favorite people. He is my brother-in-law's brother. He's not quite 19, but we get along so well. I refer to him as my brother-in-law, and he refers to me as his sister-in-law. HIs nickname is Agis, as given to him by the Bean. The other day Beanie needed to call someone. Grammy and Papa were out, Buckley and Candy were entrenched in a big project, and there were very few people who would be amused by a random almost 2 year old calling to chat. After a quick look through my phone book, I decided Agis was the perfect person to call. As with any college freshman, we called and he was out with friends. The best part came when he told his friends he need a minute because he needed to talk to his niece. He is awesome. He is getting ready to serve a two year mission for our church. He doesn't know where he's going yet, but I'm sure that where ever he goes, the people will all love him.

Anyway, enough with the fabuslousness of the Agis. This post was meant to show how excited I am to be done. And I am.

PS-I didn't get the job I wanted in Hawaii, but I did get a new Job working with a large genealogy firm. I'm starting part time next week, and I hope that after Graduation I will be able to switch to full time. I'll probably stay at electronics-R-us for at least one shift a week. I really like the people, and just in case the full time thing doesn't work out at the new place, I will still have an option to go full time when the mega-store opens a new location in October.


Papa said...

So, did you get some green wasabee paste with the sushi? It's the best. I didn't know you were a sushi fan. Next time I'm up there... you and me babe. Cause your Mom's not much for the sushi, don't ya know.

Margaret said...

I have done that bargain sushi at Demai, and it's GOOD STUFF! Congrats on being done!

Grammy said...

You Go Girl! I am so proud of you. Don't forget to give me upir mew address. Also check out Gabriela's post for a great picture of Caleb! Love you the mostest!

Gabriela said...

I love sushi! congrats on your job. Love, Gab

Anonymous said...

You sound so happy! I love to here from happy people! You're GREAT!

Anonymous said...

Oh FYI. Wasabee is more fun to say than it is do eat!

Kathryn Thompson said...

Congrats on the job! That is awesome. CALL ME SOME TIME YOU BIG CHEESE!